Pregnant women can be prone to exhaustion and stress, creating an importance for finding wellbeing. We’ll help you shift your health story with healthy habits and gain confidence in knowing your body!

Harmony Thyme uses a wholistic Biblical health approach with nutrition, muscle testing, Aleph Tav body system, voice analysis, music therapy, essential oils and herbals to educate and guide you in discovering the root cause of illness and what tools are available to restore your health and wellness.

Letisha prince

Herbalist | CHHC | Naturopathic Student

Letisha (Tish) offers a unique service to women of all ages. At the age of 12 she was breaking ground to plant her own garden and knew at age 19 she would breastfeed and homeschool any children.

Letisha has been a nurse since 1990, Certified and Licensed Biblical Health Coach since 2010, Aromatherapist, Certified Bach Remedies Practitioner, Herbalist and is entering her 2nd year of Dr. of Naturopathy training through LTI. She incorporates prayer to Jesus, Biblical kinesiology, voice analysis, music therapy, herbal remedies, phototherapy and nutrition into her practice.


  • A voice analysis gives results on which frequencies are most prominent in your voice, indicating what may be presenting in your physical health. A voice analysis reveals the emotional connections and thinking patterns that are influencing your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

  • ATB is a hands-on touch therapy similar to "the laying on of hands" found in Scripture. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet represents a control point which are concentrations of energy located on strategic places of the body (similar to acupuncture points). The control points are connected by pathways that connect them throughout the body in a manner similar to our circulatory system.

    Application of these points using a system can help restore mental, emotional and physical systems that occur with these areas have congestion.

  • By measuring your body for galvanic skin response, a ZYTO scan can determine which nutritional supplements, foods, herbs or essential oils, or services your body is most biologically coherent with.

  • Muscle Testing is applied kinesiology. During a muscle test, the tester uses one hand to press down on an outstretched arm, testing the strength of the shoulder (indicator) muscle. The tester’s other hand can be used to focus attention on some part of the body. If that part is inflamed or degenerating, the indicator muscle will momentarily test weak. We can even use MT to determine which foods, herbs, supplements or essential oils could benefit the client.

  • Everything in the body is made of energy, including trapped emotions. This negative energy exerts a damaging force on the body, causing pain, emotional problems and imbalances that can lead to dis-ease. By identifying and releasing these trapped emotions, this will support your body’s natural ability to heal itself.

  • Emotional Assessment will be used to determine which flower essence could benefit the client. The original Bach Flower Remedies is a safe and natural method of healing discovered by Dr. Bach from 1920-1930s in England. 
The remedies gently restore the balance between mind and body by balancing out negative emotions such as fear, worry, hatred, and indecision which interfere with the equilibrium of the being as a whole allowing peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to heal itself.
The Bach Flower Remedies are made from wild flowers. The Bach Flower Remedies work in harmony with herbs, homeopathy and medications and are safe for everyone, including children, pregnant women, pets, the elderly and even plants.
The remedies are preserved in grape-based brandy and are gluten-free.

  • Based on your health questionnaire, goals can be set by the client and practitioner to begin a path to wellness. This may include weight loss, dietary recommendations, spiritual growth, stress management,sleep, exercise, nutrition and relationships.

*Tuning Forks and certain herbal remedies should not be used during pregnancy. Certain ATBS points will not be recommended or utilized with pregnant women. 

Please contact Tish for more information or questions.